Eric Lechelard, HR Director, 分享在当今新常态下引入混合工作环境的挑战.
The working world has changed dramatically since 2020, with the role of hybrid working moving to the forefront. 这一举措已经成为推动企业重新思考和加速其人力资源组织内部数字化转型的催化剂.
在全球卫生危机之前, 公司的立场是保持员工可以要求的远程办公天数, to a minimum. However, 很明显,包括美国在内的一些开展ALE业务的国家已经采取了不同的做法, among others, and were already headed further down this teleworking path. 这之所以成为可能,是因为员工在更少的限制和更灵活的环境中实际工作.
当世界在2020年3月陷入停顿时,ALE被迫迅速过渡到远程办公. 在这段时间里,钟摆完全向右摆动,看不到尽头. To ensure business continuity, the company needed to adapt. This meant offering hybrid work options that included, 100%现场面对面, 50%或者一个有待商定的比例, or 100% at home. ALE's advantage was that we already had some teleworking in place, so the hybrid work environment was not completely new. 作为一个全球性的组织,在过去的二十年里,我们在游牧文化中有着丰富的经验, we understood what it would take to work from various locations.
Full speed ahead
The initial challenge was to convert the teams to the digital world. The 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版Rainbow™ cloud collaboration platform was the obvious tool of choice. 不幸的是,直到那时,许多员工还没有充分发挥Rainbow的潜力.
To maintain the company's ability to operate internationally, employees were challenged with quickly adapting how they conducted business. 由于各国对危机的限制和反应各不相同,这进一步阻碍了这一点.
随着全球形势的恶化, a new normal emerged where a new social bond and collective were being formed. This next-phase, new world order, was not something that all employees were on board with, as some had begun to like the comfort and flexibility of the 100% remote situation. While working from home provided the protection needed to battle the health crisis, 它并非没有副作用. Some employees suffered the silent psychological impact of isolation, 通常被称为幽居病.
As the world settled into the new normal, one of the real challenges became how to restore team spirit, 已经被侵蚀殆尽了吗. Today, fractures remain, 而且不仅仅是在工作领域, but overall, 因为以前难以想象的职场团队和个人在日常生活中的限制.
For ALE, restoring team spirit became the number one priority. Second, was the challenge of learning how to manage the hybrid work environment. 从人力资源的角度来看, 对在现场工作的员工和远程工作的员工的期望是一样的. Some employees may say they work more at home, however, that can create a potential risk in maintaining work-life balance. While the ‘right to disconnect’ may be a relatively new concept, it is necessary for employees to feel they can shut down, 没有相互指责, 确保员工无论在办公室还是远程工作,都能遵守同样的规则.
Supporting change
另一个需要处理的混合工作因素是新员工的整合. 我们往往忘记的是,今天的组织是建立在面对面的模式上的. 在快速过渡到混合模式的过程中,工作场所变得不那么清晰了. 然而,我们仍然需要管理公司,招募学徒和新员工. With the adoption of collaboration technology, such as Rainbow, 如今,许多潜在的候选人在没有踏进公司办公室一步的情况下就接受了面试和聘用.
这引发了一系列问题,包括:这些人对公司的投入程度如何? Will the experience be the same as for the people who were there before? 人才保留会是什么样子? 技能发展将如何展开? And the big question: How can you create a cohesive team?
The role of video, in all of this cannot be overstated. Prior to the health crisis, video was rarely used for collaboration. However, 在一个周末的过程中,被扔进泳池的深水区,被迫下沉或游泳,以保持与同事和客户的联系, meant people had to step in front of the camera. And so, they did. Today, 大多数员工对建立或参与视频协作没有任何疑虑, which is far from where the world was just a few short years ago.
很明显,在混合模式下建立一个专业的网络是更复杂的,需要一些工作. 重新思考工具, 尤其是管理人员的工具, so they foster greater commitment and links between people, and creating a sense of proximity between employees, 留住人才的关键是什么. At ALE, 已经开发了关于混合管理的具体培训课程,以提高管理人员对面对面管理团队与在混合或完全远程环境中管理团队之间差异的认识.
So, what are some of the lessons learned from this move to the hybrid model. 事情发生了不可逆转的变化. 过去由面对面的接触维系在一起的社会团体,现在必须由别的东西维系在一起. 这就是技术和创造团队精神的愿望,即使员工可能相隔几英里或大洲.
Check out all the blogs in our series, “HR challenges in the digital world:
1. Understand the company's context and capacity for transformation
Some companies, like ALE, are very digital, while others have much less experience with the digital environment. Based on an analysis of the organisation, consideration should be given to the solutions that will work within the company. This may involve extranet issues and mobile phones, among others. Next look at how to make services accessible and secure from anywhere.
2. 支持你的团队和经理
这是非常重要的一点,因为管理方法和技术正在发生变化. Not everyone is comfortable using VPNs, websites or other forms of access. 组织需要了解员工的舒适程度,并确保他们不会带来任何与数字相关的压力. Hearing, "I don't know how to use it; I'm afraid; I'll be judged; I'm incompetent" will not help your transformation. Accompanying employees and providing support through the process is essential. This applies to all the tools the company introduces, across all areas, 包括时间管理, expense accounts, management, 通信和协作工具.
3. Make everyone a part of the transformation
With digital transformation comes new challenges, 正如我们之前提到的, 还有避免骨折的需要. That said, perhaps highest of all are cyber risks. 通过使用盗版或不兼容的应用程序和流动信息,人为因素在安全性方面造成了最大的漏洞, among others. 让员工明白什么是可以接触到所有东西是很重要的, everywhere, 在安全方面, by providing them with ongoing training about cyber risks and best practices.
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